
Have a bowl

Cookie Dough Obsession is the first on-line cookie dough company that sells shelf-stable, no bake, edible cookie dough. This dough is not made for baking cookies. It is only made to eat. It is safe-to-eat. Made with only natural ingredients, and no artificial colors nor flavors.

Cookie Dough Obsession began in 2013. I love sneaking cookie dough when baking cookies, especially chocolate chip cookies. I wanted to be able to go to the store to buy edible, no bake, cookie dough. I searched and searched but there was no such thing at the time. There was one local company in another part of the country that sold edible cookie dough, but they didn’t ship. Any other cookie dough was made to make cookies. I have eaten enough cookie dough in my life, that I have gotten pretty sick tasting dough. I assume it was the eggs in the dough.

At that point I just asked for a company to make this dough. I prayed, “God, can you have a company make cookie dough so I can just go to the store and buy it.” He answered immediately, “If you make it, I’ll bless it.” “Oh no, Lord. I wasn’t talking about me. I’m asking … Can you have a company start making edible cookie dough. I just want to be able to order a bowl of cookie dough.” Again the same words, “If you make it, I’ll bless it.” I didn’t ask again. I went home and started this company.

So if you like cookie dough like I do, you don’t have to save one spoonful.  You can have the bowl and eat it too.

Grab a bowl and indulge. Go ahead. Join the obsession.